King Kyote
Harken to a night of whiskey drinking in a cabin among the pines, King Kyote echoes the yells of Rock & Roll’s fore-bearers while having a deeply rooted harmony with the Blues, Roots-Rock & Indie-Americana genres. A force to be reckoned with on stage, Kyote’s fiery live shows prove that pure raw talent combined with real, honest songwriting is still the future of today’s music.
Hailing from the Maine coast, King Kyote’s sound and inspiration comes from how he views and interprets the world around him. He expresses himself through a unique lens—like a photograph, putting pen to paper captures life’s most delicate moments. The ability to draw creative power from the waves he rides and mountains he climbs gives Kyote a distinct perspective on the intertwines of the vagabond troubadour and the artist.
Caleb Stine
Caleb Stine is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and visual artist. Though he makes his living as a folk musician, Stine wouldn’t call what he does a job; he considers it a calling. His work is part-mystic poet, part-traveling preacher. As Americana UK observed, “Stine’s upfront personality [is] seeking to make a personal connection with everyone in the venue.” The albums and shows are the tip of the iceberg; to get to where he is today, Stine has put in decades of daily practice, day jobs, and deep commitment to the craft of music. “There’s an element of endurance to almost everything I do,” says Stine, who plays 100+ shows a year, has released 14 albums of original music, and shares a series of viral Instagram videos called “Caleb Stine Says Keep Going,” encouraging followers to dig deep into a creative practice of their own. Over the course of his career, he’s seen the music industry collapse and restructure multiple times, but it’s his love of music that’s allowed him to outlast so many peers and institutions along the way. And it’s this love of music that shines through his shows, imbuing them with a communal joy that spans generations and celebrates life at its most essential.